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Services Include:

   - Online Auctions

   - Onsite Online Auctions 

   - Live Sales with Online Webcast Bidding 

   - House Contents

   - Farm Auctions

   - Commercial Liquidation

   - Real Estate Auctions

   - Specialty Items (Memorabilia, Antiques, Toys, Collectors)

     ... and much more!

We can conduct onsite sales (on your property) 


In most cases people will only need to conduct one auction in their lifetime, this means, you only have one opportunity to do it right.

You want experienced and supportive staff alleviating any concerns throughout the process. Whether you need our packing, set up, moving, unpacking, complete clean up, we do it all!


Most of what we really do at Jantzi Auctions Ltd. takes place behind the scenes, from start to finish we are working hard to make your auction a successful and pleasant experience! It takes preparation, planning and insight to reach the right buyers for your merchandise. We know having the right buyers will dramatically increase your return, so we do what it takes to promote, execute and settle your auction in a professional and friendly manner.


We have conducted thousands of live auctions ranging from house contents, commercial liquidations, farm, industrial, real estate, business estate, antiques, tools, collectables, consignment and so on.

If you own it, it can be sold by auction!


Services Include:

   - Estate probate

   - Divorce

   - Real estate

   - Liquidations

   - Insurance

     ...And more!

CPPAG certified and accredited with over 20 years of experience.

We acknowledge that using the tools an auctioneer professional has, is a vital step in the monetary realization process.


Our experienced appraiser will provide you with a detailed report containing the honest value of your items.

Whether it be an auction we are conducting for you, or you're interested in selling on your own, our staff at Jantzi Auctions Ltd can fulfill all your appraisal needs.

Real Estate Auctions

Services Include: 

   - Home

   - Commercial

   - Farm

   - Land


We can sell your home, commercial property or farm by auction! We will also do open houses and showings for you. 

Selling a property by auction is very similair to real estate in that we use a legal binding contract, but the difference is the sale is done by a live public auction. The upside to this, is it can result in a "bidding war" between potential buyers that exceeds the market value of your property.


Properties are sold as is, meaning at the end of the auction day, your property is sold, with no conditions, and the buyer has purchased your property with a non refundable reasonable down payment.


We will work with you to set the value of your property so it will not be sold for less then you approve.


On auction day, your property is auctioned off and only when we reach a value accepted by you, will it be sold. Possession is generally 60 days, or what you choose it to be.

Packing/Moving Services


- Moving Services

- Packing/Unpacking

- Trucking

- Set up


At Jantzi Auctions Ltd, conducting successful and professional auctions is our business! We love what we do, and we love making things easy for you!

That's why we offer complete moving, trucking, (un) packing and set up services to anyone we conduct an auction for!

From start to finish we will ensure your items are handled with the upmost care! We provide everything you need from boxes, packing tape, movers...etc All with a smile!



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Professional Service,
With a Good Old Fashioned Handshake
Jantzi Auctions Ltd.
(519) 656-3555

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